Atmus is committed to creating a better future by protecting what is important. We believe environmental sustainability is central to what we do and we are dedicated to acting as an environmental steward to proactively enable a cleaner and more sustainable world.

Our leaders are committed to reducing our environmental impact. Our steadfast conformance to international standards, investment in green projects at our facilities and support for employees who work toward innovative and sustainable solutions are just a few ways we demonstrate our commitment.

We strive to conserve water, reduce waste and minimize our energy usage in our facilities and on our manufacturing sites. We do this by tightening process efficiency and investing in the upgrade of our site infrastructures.

With over 1,300 worldwide active or pending patents and patent applications, Atmus continues to provide environmental leadership by designing products for the future that extend service life, lower emissions and eliminate harmful toxins.
ISO 14001 environmental management system certification in our manufacturing facilities
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since 2018 through capital investment and low-cost/no-cost initiatives
reduction in water consumption in our facilities since 2018 by improving facility infrastructure and processes
reduction in waste generation since 2018 as a percentage of revenue
“As a global corporation, at Atmus we believe it is our responsibility to do the right thing when it comes to sustainability and the environment. I am proud of what we have already achieved, and we continually strive to make those changes that will have the most positive impact on both our local communities and the planet.”

What happens when you relandscape a traditional garden with native plants? You eliminate the need for water irrigation. That’s exactly what we did in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, where water shortages are common.

Each year, we use 213,000 lbs of recycled polymer in our crankcase ventilation products. To date, we have used 1.5 million lbs of recycled polymer, which equates to 50 9-ton dump trucks of landfill savings. Keeping products like this out of landfill helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We recently installed solar panels on the parking lot at our manufacturing plant in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The panels can generate more than 1.2m kWh per year, the equivalent of planting 300 hectares of forest every year.